Discover things to do in and around, Odessa.
Odessa Tourist Park
The Odessa Tourist Park offers a three-night stay at no charge. With the site located in the middle of Odessa, a short walk will get you to your destination. Available for tent or RV. Water and electricity hook-ups only at first come, first serve. Restrooms are available. Camp site owned by Town of Odessa.
Odessa Golf & RV
Who wouldn’t want to camp next to one of the best golf courses in the state?! The Odessa Golf & RV offer full RV hook-ups right across from the course. Please call 509-982-0093 for availability. Dine in or take out at the seasonal club house.
Channeled Scablands
Odessa, Washington is a small community in Eastern Washington surrounded by the channeled scablands. Channeled Scablands are a unique feature to Eastern Washington; they were caused by the Missoula Floods about 14,000 years ago. Odessa is lucky to be surrounded by such beautiful geological features.
Privately owned Odessa Golf Course is rated in the top 10 for the State of Washington with a beautiful nine-hole, par 36, course. Free RV hookups are available for all golfers coming to Odessa who play golf.
The best part about the Odessa course is there are no tee times except during Deutschesfest. Anyone having the stamina can try the Golf the Loop Tour. Start from Spokane, do 9 holes at Harrington, travel on to Odessa for lunch and another nine before finishing out the day at Wilbur.
The Odessa Historisches Museum tells the story of the settlement and development of the towns and surrounding countryside by hardy pioneers.
Visit the website for more information www.odessawamuseum.com
Fishing & Hunting
Crab Creek is open to fishing for all species of fish from the confluence of the outlet streams to the Moses Lake outlets and from the fountain buoy and shoreline markers or 150 feet downstream of the Alder Street fill to Grant County Road 7 from March 1 to May 31. Anglers must use single-point hooks ¾ inch or smaller, measured from point to shank.
For game fish, the season is open all year with restrictions on size and daily limits imposed. For Crab Creek and its tributaries from Highway 26 to O’Sullivan Dam, the season for game fish is April 1 to September 30. According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, fishing can be good for brown and rainbow trout in some portions of this Lincoln County farmland drainage area. It has also recently become a popular destination for fly-fishers. Since access is primarily from private property, however, anglers are advised to obtain permission ahead of time.
Hawk Creek in northern Lincoln County is open to game fishing all year round, subject to size and daily catch limits.
Coffeepot Lake and Upper and Lower Twin Lakes are on land managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The BLM Spokane office has maps available. They can be contacted at 509-536-1200 or via their website at http://www.or.blm.gov/spokane.
Coffeepot Lake is a 317-acre lake located 12 miles northeast of Odessa with an open season from March 1 through September 30. It has been stocked with rainbow trout. It boasts excellent fly-fishing for trout and gear-fishing (small jigs) for yellow perch and black crappie, according to the WDFW. The BLM has provided a boat launching area and opportunities for camping.
Deer Lake, which is also known as Deer Springs Lake covers 60 acres and is also located about 12 miles northeast of Odessa. Its open season is from the last Saturday in April through September 30. Fry and catchable-size rainbow trout are planted annually, and brown trout have also been stocked. Yellow perch fishing is good some years. Pumpkinseed sunfish and largemouth bass are also present. Rough camp sites are available on the north end of the lake.
Fishtrap Lake is a 196-acre lake located 6½ miles east of Sprague. It can be reached from the east via I-90 Exit 254 to a county road (Old State Highway) running south, then easterly on Fishtrap/Scroggie Road to the northeast end of the lake, or from the west via the Sprague exit (Exit 245). Open season is from the last Saturday in April through September 30. Fishing is expected to be good for rainbow trout. The lake has a resort launch and public access area launch.
Fourth of July Lake covers 110 acres and is located two miles south of Sprague on the Adams/ Lincoln County line. It has a special winter season from December 1 through March 31. Rainbow trout, some as large as 20 inches, have been caught.
Goose Creek runs through the town of Wilbur before it joins Wilson Creek. Within Wilbur’s city limits, fishing is limited to juveniles and reduced-fee disability license holders. The season is open year-round, and rainbow trout are available. In other portions of the creek, standard statewide freshwater stream rules and season apply.
Hawk Creek is a Lake Roosevelt tributary flowing northwest from Davenport that has a year-round open season. It is not stocked, but has naturally-produced brook and rainbow trout in places.
Pacific Lake is currently dry, but when last filled during the wet years of 1996 and 1997, it offered rainbow trout fishing. It is located about five miles northwest of Odessa. WDFW says that plants of rainbow trout fry will resume if and when the lake returns to a usable level.
Sprague Lake covers 1,840 acres and is located two miles west of Sprague, with portions in both Adams and Lincoln counties. It offers a year-round open fishing season, with good fishing for walleye, according to the WDFW. Crappie, largemouth and smallmouth bass, channel catfish, perch, bluegill and rainbow trout are also available, but populations are limited. There are special area closures on the lake, so visitors need to check the regulations pamphlet for details. WDFW provides public access with boat ramp and toilet on the southwest end of the lake, and a private boat launch with minimal parking fees is located on the southeast side, both off of Danekas Road. The lake’s two resorts are located at the northeast end and on the north shoreline near the west end.
Twin Lakes consist of Upper Twin (39.2 acres) and Lower Twin (44.9 acres), located in the Lake Creek drainage area about 20 miles southeast of Davenport. The season is open year round. Access is provided by BLM. Upper Twin is stocked with fry and catchable-size rainbow trout and also provides good fishing for largemouth bass, with pumpkinseed sunfish, yellow perch, black crappie and brown bullhead catfish available, according to the WDFW. Lower Twin is considered an excellent perch fishery in the early spring months, before water levels drop. The lower lake also has the same fish species listed for Upper Twin, but the bass and crappie tend to be smaller in Lower Twin.
Anglers needing additional information may contact the WDFW at fishregs@dfw.wa.gov or call the fishing hotline at 360-902-2500.
Swimming Pool
Cool off during the summer at the community pool!